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You can keep up with Mr. SpreadLove by following @MrSpreadLove on twitter and Facebook or @SpreadLovEnterprise on Instagram.
#SpreadLOVE is a movement of proactivity and change defined by culture, knowledge, and individuals heightening their senses. The man with the vision to bring people together and provoke this developmental movement is Mr. SpreadLove a.k.a. Lance G. Newman II. SpreadLovEnterprise Founder and CEO, Lance continues to induce this renaissance by way of his philanthropy, poetry, instruction/activism, arts hosting and more....

The Multitalented
Mr. Spreadlove
The Artist The Philanthropist
The Professional
#SpreadLOVE is a movement of proactivity and change defined by culture, knowledge, and individuals heightening their senses.
The man with the vision to bring people together and provoke this developmental movement is Mr. SpreadLove a.k.a. Lance G. Newman II.
SpreadLovEnterprise Founder and CEO, Lance continues to induce this renaissance by way of his philanthropy, poetry, instruction/activism, arts hosting and more....

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